Frequently Asked Questions


Yes. The subscriptions are for an initial, minimum period of three full calendar months or whatever is outlined on the offer. (A calendar month is from the 1st to the end of the month). So as an example, if you sign up on the 14th of August, the minimum term is until the end of November.

We need to work with you for a minimum time frame to work towards those goals and we don’t want you to give up early. If you need to cancel after three months, you can find this option on your portal.

We can pause a subscription for up to 3 months under any of the following circumstances: injury, surgery, long period of travel, giving birth.

Not at all. It makes sense to start with bodyweight exercises in many cases, so that your trainer can properly assess your fitness level. If we think equipment might provide some benefit, we will suggest accordingly and give some recommendations on affordable options. However, it will always be your decision.

In short, yes! We start working with clients from 5 weeks all the way through to their due date. Your consultation will cover your medical history and health and we may also ask about any previous pregnancies to make sure we have a clear and full picture before we start your pregnancy fitness programme. If we feel it is necessary, we may ask for a GP letter.

We are very used to working with postnatal clients and we know that recovery times can vary. If you have a normal delivery then you will most likely need a 4-6 week break before you can resume your fitness sessions. If you have had a C-Section you may need anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months before you feel ready. In both instances, any remaining sessions will be kept safe and your subscription will be paused until you feel ready to go again. In most cases we can even pair you with the same trainer, who will know you, your body and your pregnancy fitness journey well.

Absolutely not! actually I was running for too long at too high of a heart rate and losing muscle mass! Now I sprint and brisk Walk regualrly and jogging is utilised for baseline fitness and mental focus, but is considered a pretty blunt tool for fat loss.

Actually no, there’s a time for that but I actually lift my heaviest weights when losing body fat, to my astonishment I found that I could pack on muscle faster with as little as 30% of what I used to lift by manipulating rest periods and rep ranges, the key to buidling muscle is progressive overload and adapations, it’s nuanced but its a different than strength.

The relationship between stress and results is so profound I cant believe it’s not talked about more. A stressed mind and body just cannot perform the same way as a calm one, not only that, but in a stressed state, intense exercise can actually push you more and more into fatigue.

It’s important to understand that inflammation is a form of immune response in your body. But when inflammation is chronic and allowed to go unchecked it can weaken your immune system and leave you vulnerable to ill health.

As you push your body recovery becomes more and more important, I learnt how to eat to recover quickly, enhance my sleep quality and implement hot and cold therapy to vastly speed up recovery and provide numerous health benefits.

As you push your body recovery becomes more and more important, I learnt how to eat to recover quickly, enhance my sleep quality and implement hot and cold therapy to vastly speed up recovery and provide numerous health benefits.